Hopefully most of you are keeping well and the closest you’ve come to being personally affected by COVID-19 is by having to reduce your social contact with the outside world. I’ve never known anything to change so much in such a short space of time. It’s truly mind-blowing.
I’ve not said anything about wedding photography publicly for a while here or on social media. The main reason for that is that my focus is currently on trying to re-accommodate my existing 2020 clients in the event they’re having to rearrange their dates (100% success so far, fortunately). It doesn’t feel right to be actively touting for new business until that task is complete. If you are still in the process of rearranging, PLEASE keep me up to date with developments!

Hopefully it won’t be too long before we can reopen the doors to the Shout Weddings & Events showroom in Kettering for in-person consultations!
I have had a few lovely people ask if they can buy vouchers for the various types of photography that I offer for when this is over. It is something that I plan to introduce in the coming days, and it’s so nice to hear that people want to support my little business through these uncertain times. Thank you! It means the world! 😊

As you might have seen on social media, I am trying to share a little happiness each day with some reminders of the beautiful world we’re surrounded by, often on our doorsteps. If there’s one thing that this episode has taught me, it’s to not take it all for granted. It can all change in a heartbeat.
Take care guys and speak soon.